Surface: 56.610 km2
Surface of the territorial sea: 31.067 km2
Population: 4.784.200 inhabitants
Capital: Zagreb, 770.058 inhabitants
Coastline: 5.835 km (4.058 km being the coastline
of islands, cliffs and reefs)
Number of islands, cliffs and reefs: 1.185 -
there are 67 inhabited islands; the largest
islands are Krk and Cres
Krk 410 km2
Cres 404 km2
Brač 396 km2
Hvar 298 km2
Pag 287 km2
Korčula 273 km2
Highest peak: Dinara 1.831 m above the sea-level
in the interior: moderate continental climate
with hot and dry summers and cold and humid
winters. mountainous regions: fresh summer and
sharp winters with a large amount of snow.
coastal regions: Mediterranean climate with
hot and very dry summers, and mild but humid
average temperature in January:the interior
-1 to 3° C; mountains -5 to 0° C; coast 5 to
average temperature in August: the interior
22 to 26° C; mountains 15 to 20°C; coast 26
to 30°C |
Kuna (1 Kuna = 100 Lipa). There are 1, 2, 5,
10, 20, 50 Lipa coins, 1, 2, 5 and 25 Kuna coins
and 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 Kuna
Foreign currencies can be exchanged at banks,
exchange offices, post offices and at most tourist
agencies, hotels and camping grounds. Banking
hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. from Monday to Friday.
On Saturdays banks are open until 1 p.m. In
the larger cities some banks are also open on
Sundays. Credit cards: Most hotels, restaurants
and shops accept credit cards (American Express,
Diners Club, Eurocard/Mastercard, Visa, Sport
Card International). Cash dispensing machines
are ubiquitous .
Voltage of city power grid – 220V, frequency
Tap water is potable throughout Croatia
The telephone code for Croatia is +385 .
Passport or some other internationally recognised
identification document. Tourists may remain
in Croatia for up to three months
For more information:
Diplomatic consulates of the Republic of Croatia
abroad or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
the Republic of Croatia.
Tel. 01 4569 964 Web: www.mvp.hr |
Customs regulations of the Republic of Croatia
are in line with the standards of European Union
countries. Foreign currency is freely brought
in and taken out of the country; up to a value
of 15.000 kn for domestic currency. More expensive
professional and technical equipment should
be registered at the border. Dogs and cats,
accompanied by their owner, need to have an
International certificate from a registered
veterinarian stating that at least 15 days and
not more than six months have passed since their
vaccination against rabies. Tax refund for goods
purchased in Croatia over 500 kuna in value
with a validated "Tax cheque" at departure
from the country. Information: Republic of Croatia
Customs Administration (tel 01 6102 333);
Web: www.carina.hr
Purchase tax reimbursement for foreign
Tourists making purchases in Croatia (apart
from petroleum derivatives) which exceed 500
Kuna per receipt may reclaim VAT ("PDV").At
point of purchase the sales person will provide
on request a form PDV-P, which should be filled
out and stamped, on the spot. On leaving Croatia
the receipt must be verified by the Croatian
Customs service. A PDV refund in Kuna can be
obtained within six months, either at the same
shop where the goods were purchased (in which
case the tax is refunded immediately), or by
posting the verified receipt back to the shop,
together with the account number into which
the refund should be paid. In this case the
refund is dealt with within 15 days of receipt
of the claim |
There are hospitals and clinics in all larger
cities and first aid clinics and pharmacies
in all places. Foreign tourists do not pay for
medical services if the Health Care Convention
was signed between Croatia and the country they
come from. Expenses of health services provided
to persons coming from the countries with which
the Health Care Convention was not signed are
charged directly to users according to the price
list. For patients whose lives are in danger,
there is emergency transport by air(helicopter)
or sea (speadboat). . |
Protection of the biological diversity is in conjunction
with the EU regulations currently in force. The
water quality of the Croatia's Adriatic Sea is
of high quality for swimming and in conjunction
to the EU criteria. In case of an accident or
contamination of the sea, please contact the National
Centre for Sea Search and Rescue on the number
9155 (free telephone), which is a part of international
institutions of the same rank. In case of accidental
environmental contamination on land, report it
to the National Information Centre on the number
01/4814 911 For additional information about the
environment: tel: 01/6106 111
Tel: 0800 200 037, Web: www.mzopu.hr |
Ensure that you have done everything to prevent
a fire!
Do not throw lit or flammable objects into the
If you see a fire, please inform others in your
proximity; report it immediately on the telephone
number - 93; try to extinguish the fire till the
fire-fighters arrive and in such a manner so as
not to endanger yourself or others!
Take notice of signs forbidding the lighting of
Take care that your parked vehicle does not obstruct
accesses to the fire or roads! . |
International dialling prefix for Croatia: 385
Ambulance 94
Fire-service 93
Police 92
Assistance on the roads 987 e-mail : 987@hak.hr
(If you are calling from outside of Croatia or
using a mobile phone dial +385 1 987)
General information 981
Information about local and district telephone
numbers 988 |
private accommodation
Tomislava 13, Stari Grad island Hvar
Croatia |
+385 (0) 21 765 454
gsm:+385(0)91 592 69 53 |